Addiction can be defined as participating in chemical use or behavioral activity even though it will have a negative effect on you, your loved ones or society as a whole. A perfectly rational being would not choose to do something that causes harm. However there are addicts all over the world who have convinced themselves that they are acting in a rational manner. They have given up thinking and have allowed addiction to be in charge of their life.
An addict is human. Addiction seems to be a uniquely human trait. It is interesting to note that the process of addiction requires a diversion from the rational thought process that we were given as human beings. In other words, we have the capacity for rational thought and an addict tends to give it up. Healthy human beings are naturally inclined towards mental, physical and spiritual development. Health depends on growth. Addiction is the opposite of growth.
Unfortunately addictive behavior seems to have a life of its own and it wants to continue to exert overwhelming influence on the affected person. Addiction has two choices in the way it can exert its influence and they are both negative. Addiction can cause one harm in the vital function of his or her body or impairment of the vital expression of their spirit. Both of these negative conditions cause personal damage to an individual and usually do have a negative affect on those who care about them.
As a matter of pure fact, addiction usually makes people feel badly about themselves. The problem is that addictive behavior may come directly from an inability to feel good. Feeling bad can make a person do things that make them feel worse. There are many reasons that people feel badly about themselves. The impetus for feeling bad can be emotional or it can be physical. In either case it is imperative that help is provided by people who can step outside of the false reality that the addict has created for themselves and allow the reality of the human spirit to shine through again.
The only way that healing will occur, however, is when the affected addict decides that they actually want help. They must decide that they wish to create a new reality and then allow the healing to begin. In the end, love is the single greatest influence that will help sponsor a change. People must love themselves and have a reason for health in order to suspend addictive behavior. Love comes in many forms with many different appearances and techniques, but it is always love for the re-creation of a pure human soul that will help an addict change. After love has been established, consistency and truth must be firmly incorporated because addiction is like a weed that will try to grow where it is not wanted.
If you are addicted to something, chances are you have told yourself that you are going to quit. The way that you behave is totally up to you. We all have a responsibility to live life to its fullest potential. Unhappiness is contemptible and has no place in the expression of a vital human spirit. The question becomes, are you willing to allow natural expression of your thoughts or are you going to allow a substance or behavior to do your thinking for you? All people create their own reality. Addiction stands in the way of allowing freedom for creative thought. It is, in fact, an impediment to the innate expression of human life and we should all do all that we can to let people be free. Emancipation of expression should always be held in high regard.
All is Well,
Dr. Tim, Chiropractor