Do you ever take the time to sit quietly without any interference from the outside invading the space inside of you? There is a place deep inside of you that makes up who you really are. It is always there but it is often ignored. People don’t ignore their essential being on purpose so why is it that it is so common to forget who we are? Here’s the reason: we live in a world of high energy distraction. Distraction from your essential being happens all of the time. It is common to have to react to things in your daily life in order to survive. But left to survival alone we will have trouble with the right of all human beings – to express your essence without being judged. If you are active in the world, you are judged on a daily basis. The truth is that what other people think is enormously unimportant. In fact humans are the only animals who care about what others in their species think about them. When you are with yourself, alone and with concentration on your own vital being, there is no judgment and no outside influence. You are free to be who you really are without any social distraction.
In order to realize your essential being you must take quiet, uninterrupted time to yourself. Then it really does take some concentration and technique to leave the interruptions behind. Meditation allows you to step away from the day to day experience and go inside to meet yourself again. There are so many benefits to meditation that there is no reason not to meditate and every reason to do it regularly.