Back pain is often related to poor use of the body and in some cases back pain causes difficulty with motion. Motion has always been an important part of chiropractic care. In your body life is expressed by motion and motion can be seen in life. You may notice motion in the way you move your body. But most people move around paying no attention to the patterns and combinations of movement that make up thier everyday activity. Moving effortlessly and efficiently is a joy that you might not appreciate until you can’t. As a chiropractor a lot of people present in our office to regain the ability to move pain free. But there is a much more subtle motion inside of you that gets little attention and deserves your awareness.
There is a law of life that says that everything in the Universe vibrates, nothing rests. Even when you appear to be at rest, you still has a level of motion known as vibration. Your body is matter and physical science has indicated that all matter has motion. Matter exists in a state of vibration and the vitality of living matter is influenced by your internal vibration. In other words, your health is affected by the vibrational harmony of your body, mind and spirit. When a body is in a positive state of vibration it said to be “at ease.” When it is in a negative state of vibration it is in a state of “dis-ease.”
Your thoughts are vibrations that you create. Your feelings are a conscious awareness of how you interpret waves of vibration. These vibrations are shared with everything around you. Because your thoughts create mental vibrations, your thoughts can affect everything around you. When you realize that your thoughts affect your environment, you will recognize the power that your mind has on your life. You can create bad vibrations or you can create good vibrations. It’s all a matter of what you choose to focus on.
Focus clearly on good things and you will create good vibrations. In fact, you can change bad vibrations to good vibrations by simply changing what you focus on.
When you say you feel good, you are really saying that you are aware of good vibrations sponsored by good thoughts. When you feel bad it is because you are realizing the effect of bad vibrations. Good vibrations and bad vibrations ultimately come directly from you. There may be certain situations or circumstances that attempt to affect your vibrations but the truth is that you are in control of the production of your thoughts and vibrations.
Concentrating increases the strength of vibrations. If you concentrate on good vibrations you get stronger good feelings. The opposite is true and many people spend too much time concentrating on bad vibrations. You can change good or bad vibrations by changing what you think about. To properly follow the law of vibration, create good vibrations and activate them in your brain to control the vibration that your body is in.
Remember that thought is the strongest creator of human vibration. Your ability to think is truly a gift that should be appreciated by using it in the best way possible. Anything that you have now- your health, prosperity, relationships- are a result of your thought. Thought is by definition, creative. What you create in your life is up to you. The best creations are the ones that you feel best about. When you feel good about your thoughts and their creation, your vibrational frequency will be in harmony. This helps you to live with ease in all aspects of your life. I would love to hear about your vibrations so please feel free let me know.
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