Do every day, all that can be done that day, toward realization of your health goals. This statement encompasses the effort necessary for you to achieve optimum health for yourself. You can not ignore the facts. Effort is necessary for you to be as healthy and vibrant as every human being deserves to be.
You have a couple of choices in how you live your life. You can live an ordinary life. This is a life that just happens. No effort is required. Things happen and you react to them. This reaction-based life is what most people do. Unfortunately an ordinary life does not furnish you with an abundance of anything. If you want abundant health, you need to put out the effort. Think about it. You live in a world where the simple maintenance of health requires effort. Most people don’t even put out the effort to maintain a minimum level of survival.
The ordinary life happens when one is born and immediately begins the process of death. There is no thought of what goes into their body, how their body is used for quality exercise, how to achieve optimum function of their nervous system or how to focus on good thoughts. For the ordinary person, life occurs and they react at signs of crisis. I believe that crisis is stressful and stress can lead to crisis. It is a self-perpetuating cycle fueled initially by lack of effort.
The other choice is to live an extra-ordinary life. An extra-ordinary level of health must be created. You need to pay attention to everything that will have an effect on your level of health. Every day you will have a number of decisions to make regarding your health. Some of your actions will be to avoid situations and circumstances that might impact your health negatively. You know what they are. They show their corrupt face on a regular basis and you get to decide if you will allow them to shock your system. The right choice could make a significant difference in your health potential.
To live an extra-ordinary life you also need to take pro-active, effective actions toward the realization of your health vision. An extra-ordinary life must be created. It does not occur on it’s own. Everyday you need to spend time in consideration of what actions will ultimately lead you to a life of abundant health. You should not do more than is necessary to support your growth and regeneration. You should, however, do everything that is required for you to be healthy, happy and vibrant with energy. Remember it’s your actions that will allow you to have what you want. I assume that, because you are reading this, you want the best picture of health that you can possibly have.
Anytime you miss an opportunity to increase your health potential, that opportunity is lost forever. You may get another chance but the original chance will have been lost if you do not take action on the opportunity. Try to develop a keen awareness of what is essential for optimum health. Keep yourself tuned in to opportunities for you learn more about your health. I will certainly help you with specific ideas that will allow you to be as healthy as possible. If you have any questions or desire additional information please don’t hesitate to contact me.
All is Well,
Dr. Tim, Chiropractor