I lit a fire this morning to warm the house. I watched as some of the pieces of wood struggled to catch flame and I knew that they had all of the elements needed in order to succeed. They had heat, fuel and air but they seemed to have some trouble with the task. Left on its own the fire would wither and die. It was clear that it needed help in order to ignite. You would think that a nice, dry piece of kindling underneath all of the failing wood would do the trick. It probably would have but instead I added a large but able piece of wood to the top of the pile and watched. The failing wood below attracted to the strong and able piece on top. The fire started as a result of the energy above that it was attracted to. It wasn’t lifted from below, it was lifted from above and together, with the attraction to something more capable the fire took off and burned hot.
Your own success can look a lot like a fire starting with help from above. You may have everything that you need in order to succeed. A lot of people refuse to accept the type of help that equates to being lifted from above. They want a hand out and something that is clearly like a bit kindling that is supposed to get them started. The problem with kindling added to a struggling fire is that it only supports the fire temporarily and doesn’t give it anywhere to go. It lights the fire and leaves it with what it had before, everything that it needed to get started but there is no fuel to continue.
When your fire is lit with fuel from above it has a crucial element that causes it to take off. It has a goal and a reason for being. The fire starts with a purpose. It attracts naturally to the future and burns hot with purpose. So if you are looking for something to get you started and pick you up, don’t look for kindling from below, it is temporary and fleeting. You will see your fire start and then go out. You may have felt this after attending a “feel good” seminar or reading a motivational quote. You lit up for a while and then you were right back in the same situation. There is nothing wrong with that as long as you also have some fuel to attract to. You really need a purpose for being more than a flame underneath you. Develop a purpose and watch the fire start.
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***illustration from
The Legend of Eagle Rock by Tim Schroeder – Illustrated by Alex Greer available on Amazon.com or alpineskypublishing.com